Pray for Christians in Belarus

Are Christians suffering in Minsk? Photo: R. Lehtonen

The situation for our brothers and sisters in Belarus has become challenging. Christmas time for Evangelicals was an important possibility in focusing prayers for peace and revival.(...)
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The Mongolian Church is growing

The newly registered Mongolian Church in Stockholm. Photo: Ariunbold Pillar

During the times of Timur Lenk and Genghis Khan their empires were among the biggest in world history, including parts of Mongolia, China, India, Central Asia and(...)
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Setod – one nation between two different states

Seto girls in national clothes on Seto Kingdom day 2015. Photo: Visit Estonia, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The ethnic group of Setod lives mainly in South-Eastern part of Estonia, in regions called Vöru- and Pölvamaa. The population of Setod in Estonia(...)
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Sunday the 5th of November is the International Day of Prayer. Don´t forget the persecuted!

Even Christians in Caucasus will pray for the persecuted. Photo: Otto Rimås

During the year 2023 the tensions between Western world, Russia, North Korea and China have escalated. The political relations to the Islamic world have not become(...)
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Russia Targets Christians

On the 8th of September Christian World News (CBN) had a very interesting report about the situation of Christians in Russia. Jurij Sipko gave testmonies about how people, who are defending peace, are persecuted by the authorities.

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Copyright Rauli Lehtonen 2019–