Category: svenska

Report from Ukrainian front lines (last part of April 2024)

Meeting for 400 refugees in Odessa. Photo: V-P. Lanne

We were blessed to undertake a journey to Ukraine on behalf of Voice of the Martyrs, along with Ilpo Jokimäki. By God’s grace, two days before our trip, my wife received a revelation(...)
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False Peacemaking … When Neutrality is Complicity …

As the full-scale Russian war against Ukraine rages on, a troubling trend is emerging among Russian Christians and church ministers (and we see it in the Collective Christian West, too). They pray for the end of the war, hoping that Ukraine (...)
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Pastor Klimko became the 24th Pentecostal minister, who was killed during the war in Ukraine

On Wednesday, February 28th, a Russian airstrike killed a pastor and destroyed a church in Kupiansk, Kharkiv region. The pastor, Yuriy Klimko, is the 24th minister  of the Українська Церква Християн Віри Євангельської/Ukrainian (...)
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The Mongolian Church is growing

The newly registered Mongolian Church in Stockholm. Photo: Ariunbold Pillar

During the times of Timur Lenk and Genghis Khan their empires were among the biggest in world history, including parts of Mongolia, China, India, Central Asia and(...)
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Sunday the 5th of November is the International Day of Prayer. Don´t forget the persecuted!

Even Christians in Caucasus will pray for the persecuted. Photo: Otto Rimås

During the year 2023 the tensions between Western world, Russia, North Korea and China have escalated. The political relations to the Islamic world have not become(...)
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