Sunday-Monday update Kyiv and Bucha 2022-04-03

The world must see the atrocities of the russian occupiers in Kyiv region!
Yesterday, April 2, the occupiers finally left Kyiv region, leaving behind total destruction and numerous pieces of evidence of crimes against humanity. During these five weeks, there has been a lot of information about the atrocities of the occupiers, but only now we have evidence of hundreds of such crimes.

Ukrainian soldiers who liberated towns north-west from Kyiv were the first to see it with their own eyes. Yesterday, the mass graves of the local population, civilians who were executed, were discovered. The bodies of raped and killed women whom the enemy tried to burn were also found.
The russian occupiers are responsible for the mass executions and torture of civilians. According to the survivors, the occupiers killed anyone who showed any disloyalty or refused to give their property to looters (and the looting was massive).

Today we have every reason to talk about the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Within a few weeks of the occupation, russian soldiers committed crimes (not only in the Kyiv region, but throughout Ukraine) that can only be compared to the horrors of World War II.

The atrocities of the Russians in the north of Kyiv region are only part of the whole picture of the occupation.

We are praying today for the people in the occupied territories, as well as for our soldiers who are approaching the great Victory! 

Yuri K., Kyiv


Päivi Räsänen was released from accusations in court


Sunday update from Ukraine 10.04.2022

  1. Carina Fredriksson

    Dear brother in Christ!

    Pictures and other information about the situation can make many people fall silent in shock. Living at the center of this situation is more than we can understand.

    It is becoming more and more important every day to read God’s word. To memorize different verses and remind each other that Jesus Christ has won victory forever.

    Nothing can change the fact that Jesus Christ is King and we continue in tears to pray for the salvation of people and the end of this conflict.

    I thank you again for being strong and taking the opportunity to write. I remind you that many people pray for you and others.

    As you read this, dear brother, the Lord is near, right near you. He is close to all who seek Him.


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