Photo of the month – February

Rauli Lehtonen together with 71 students from the Slavic Missionary Bible School in Jacksonville, where he taught missiology 17-21/2. The students are going to Thailand, Honduras, Kenya, Jordan, Ukraine, Nepal, Tanzania and minority tribes in North Amerika to plant new churches. Photo: Alia Aweis


Churches and Christians under threat in Europe


Discrimination of Protestants in Russia inspires for missions

2 kommentarer

  1. Axel Ström

    Så välsignat med pionjärer för mission – församlingsplantering !
    – Hur länge ska de vara ute ? Tills Herren kaller dem till annat fält eller..
    – Hur lång är deras utbildning ?
    – Gode broder Rauli, Vari består din insats på skolan ? Förstås som outtömlig inspiration och informationskälla om alla förhållanden i f.d . Стари Власти…

    • Rauli Lehtonen

      Hallo Axel.

      It has been a great privilege to teach the whole week at the school in Jacksonville. The students have encouraged me to go on and challenge the new generation for missions.

      The length of the school is 6 months with one month of practice. After one month on the field, we pray that the students will continue and became long term missionaries among unreached people groups,

      Please pray for them!


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