Prayer breakfast in Moscow – don´t forget us! (by Kai Partti)

Prayer breakfast in Moscow. Photo: K. Partti

It was a special feeling to participate at an interdenominational prayer breakfast in Moscow. They call it “Duchovnaja Trapeza”, which means “spiritual meal”. The event got nostalgic frames due to the fact, that I had not been in Russia for many years. In November I received however an invitation to a Church´s 30-years anniversary in Russian Karelia, where I worked for many years during a long period of time. After the celebration I travelled directly to the prayer breakfast in Moscow.

A national association of the prayer breakfasts in Russia organized the Conference for 400 delegates from 30 different countries. The association was founded by two Pentecostal- and Baptist Unions, as well as the Union of Adventists and the Evangelical Lutheran Chruch of Ingria in Russia. The chairman is a prosper businessman with orthodox background.

Beautiful Russian Karelia during summer time. Photo: K. Partti

It was exciting to meet believers from almost every Christian denomination in Russia, but also leaders from countries, which have prayed for Russia and its growing churches for many years. The tradition of these prayer campaigns started already 25 years ago.

The central theme was to create peace and bridges between peoples. The goal of achieving better relations and strengthening the friendship between Christian influencers was central – so that the message of the Bible, that “you are the salt of the world”, could find new dimensions. The importance of delivering the Gospel and the Christian values out to the society, as well as the ethical values into the business world, was highlighted during the conference.

The message to the Christians in West was clear: “Do not forget us!”. After decades of good relations, the hosts had a desire that the good relations need to continue and develop. The light of the Gospel is needed even more during periods of darkness, which we are experiencing just now. The darker it is, the better the stars is visible in the sky.

Kai Partti

(Translation by R. Lehtonen)

Article has been published in Världen idag 21rst of December 2023


Pray for Christians in Belarus


The Christian Churches of Ukraine condemn the agresssive ideology of the Russian world

3 kommentarer

  1. Arto Hämäläinen

    Very interesting piece oi history about which I have not been aware! Thank you Kai and Rauli for sharing it!

  2. Per Danielsson

    Wonderful and challening message! Thank you for this hopeful words!!

  3. Roland Nelsson

    Att det också fanns Prayer Breakfast i Moskva var en nyhet för mig. Jag har varit med på ett sådant i Washington och tror det har betydelse för vår värld. Nja, inte för att jag var med, men idén är bra!
    Jag har besökt Moskva ett antal gånger.
    Erikshjälpen hade en Soppstation bland träden mellan Röda Torget och Rossia Hotel för soldater som kommit hem från Budapest och som Ryska staten tydligen ignorerade och gav dem inget hem. Soldaterna bodde i smällkalla vintern i tält, där i dungen.
    I samarbete med Baptistkyrkan öppnades en Second Handbutik…
    Historia, ja, men det rann mig i minnet. Moskva är betydelsefullt, så bed för allt i världen!
    Gott Nytt År till bönerna i Moskva!

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